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How much is investment in a children's playground?

Views: 762     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-04-19      Origin: Site

How much is investment in a children's playground?

Children's Amusement Park is a place to help parents and children grow together, so that children have their own companionships in their play, exercise their children to cultivate parent-child feelings. At present, most parents after 90 are more inclined to the child's mind, so this also allows the majority of children's playground investors to see business opportunities and want to learn to join the children's playground. So, how much is investing in a children's playground, I want this problem, I have been plaguing many investors. Today, music maps will be a simple cost overview for you!

The overall child playground investment costs can be divided into franchising investment fees, venues construction fees, and operation management costs:

Join investment

Maybe you also see free of charge of the free joining in a lot of official website or other channels. At this time, you will add an eye. Is it true to join free, this brand is worth spending a big price to buy them. As we all know, the brand franchise costs that generally have certain market industries are more expensive. This is because headquarters will strengthen their own market research and strengthen publicity in order to facilitate the normal operation of the online store, and to strengthen publicity. Joining the fees do not free. How much is investment in a children's playground? Generally a good brand franchise fee is between 50,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan, you can detailed the specific cost.

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Venue construction fee

Children's playgroundIt is not expensive for complete construction, which contains venue rental costs, and rent expenses in all costs is relatively large, mainly based on the area and location required to reflect playgrounds. Advantage. Second, the purchase and installation of the playground equipment, according to the general joining information, the purchase of the equipment is very large, covering a big devices is also more expensive. If you are an outdoor playground, you can freely renovate the cost, but the indoor playground will consider our own decoration requirements.

Combination slide + amusement equipment + small doctoral + slide + log plane + stainless steel combination slide LT-HT031 (1)

Operation management fee

How much is investment in a children's playground? The operational management here is mainly including the overhead cost of the playground, advertising cost, etc., there are many contents, employee wages, hydropower management, venue insurance costs, and various equipment, the advertising management is In order to enhance the influence and popularity of the park in the local market, maintain the relationship with old customers, promote the development profit of the park sustainability.


Mr. Xu
   +86 15306887188
  +86 15306887188
  Wenzhou, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City Letu Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

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