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How much is the colorful slide of Qiandao Lake: super cost-effective exquisite slide

Views: 51     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-06-10      Origin: Site

How much is the colorful slide of Qiandao Lake: super cost-effective exquisite slide

Colorful slides can not only be an entertainment device, but can be used as a decoration inside the scenic. For example, in Qiandao Lake, here is more islands, you can hold a colorful slide along the mountain road. Use slide rich colors to achieve a good decorative effect, while visitors can also slide down from the slide, very interesting movement. How much is the colorful slide of Qiandao Lake? In fact, the cost-effective price of colorful slides is very high, and the effect is very good.

Colorful slide + colorful slide + dry snow slide + leap slide - (34)

How much is the colorful slide of Qiandao Lake: super cost-effective exquisite slide

For people who want to invest in colorful slides, they can learn from Qiandao Lake.Colorful slideHow much is calculated to calculate your own investment amount, so it is easy to control the cost. The equipment investment of the colorful slide should look at the specific terrain situation. For example, the mountain road here is rugged, and the terrain is unworthy, naturally, it is necessary to invest in the cost of equipment. One is to reinforce the foundation, and the slope is treated with a large area, and in some places need to be detour so that the amount of equipment is increased. The top of the colorful slide is spliced ​​with a piece of sheet, and more natural costs are used.

Another cost of the Qiandao Lake color slide is the guardrail around the slide, the guardrail is walking with the slide, and how long the slide is needed. Because Qiandao Lake is around Linhu, in order to protect the safety of tourists, be sure to set the guardrail around the slide. Investors should combine their locations, if it is a flat hillside, the slide is enough, and the guardrail can be used. Part of the guardrail for the colorful slide items in the mountainous or scenic spots are the necessary part. If you want to save this part of the cost, you can choose the hillside of the city. The topographic is flat here, you can also choose the scenic spot for years, here The mountain road is more flat.

Colorful slide + colorful slide + dry snow slide + leap slide - (23)

How much is the colorful slide of Qiandao Lake: super cost-effective exquisite slide

How much is the colorful slide of Qiandao Lake, we still have to take into account the overall cost of equipment investment. The equipment's procurement costs and installation costs should be calculated inside. It is recommended that you can choose to join the project. The manufacturer will also provide installation services while selling the plate. They also have a free design, according to the terrain, customized ramp design, so More targeted. After-sales service provided by the manufacturer is more comprehensive, everyone can compare more when investing in the colorful slide project, find a higher price option.

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Mr. Xu
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  Wenzhou, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City Letu Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

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