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Journey to the Journey to the Seven Color Slot Items take you to experience the fantasy world

Views: 332     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-06-26      Origin: Site

Journey to the Journey to the Seven Color Slot Items take you to experience the fantasy world

The colorful slide project is basically incentive, and its settling location is flexible, and the width and length of the colorful slide can be adjusted according to the needs of the site. Colorful slides can be combined with many theme parks. For example, the Journey to the West Park is a good example. It combines slide rides and theme parks to form a more entertainment effect, in this magical amusement Experience fresh fun in the world.

Colorful slide + colorful slide + dry snow slide + leap slide - (10)

Journey to the Journey to the Seven Color Slot Items take you to experience the fantasy world

There are many TV stories in the Journey to the Topping Park, and there are also characters. People come here to visit the culture of the Westward Journey, learn more about this story, but the entertainment is relatively lacking. If it is to play the children, it is easy to make children feel boring. If you make a West Travel ParkColorful slideThe project, then increase the entertainment function of the theme park, the colorful slide is the current network red play project, which can bring fun experiences for tourists. You can also experience the play project in the western travel theme.

The colorful slides in this theme park set a model, the selection of the Journey to the Journey of the Journey, the construction, and the construction of the construction, and the maintenance of operations and equipment, etc. have many places worth learning. In fact, this project can be copied to other theme parks, such as forest parks, playgrounds, etc. Through this project, we can learn how to make a suitable colorful slide in a limited venue, how to join the content of the theme park to the Colorful slide project, how to operate play equipment in the theme park. In fact, these are valuable experiences, providing investors with a lot of reference, convenient for everyone to choose the site.

Colorful slide + colorful slide + dry snow slide + leap slide - (25)

Journey to the Journey to the Seven Color Slot Items take you to experience the fantasy world

Journey to Journey is a familiar mythical story. There is a wide range of masses, which can be said to be a story of a woman. In this theme park, you can see a lot of interesting scenes, as if you still have the story of Journey to the West. Colorful slides can be combined with these stories, let everyone play in the story, and have a more profound experience of these stories, but also make the theme park's content. The Journey to the Journey to the Seven Color Slot Items seem to be copy, but its model can be borrowed elsewhere, but the combination is different, but it can also bring a good business effect.

related suggestion:Colorful slide operation Dry snow slide precaution Rainbow slide equipment


Mr. Xu
   +86 15306887188
  +86 15306887188
  Wenzhou, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City Letu Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

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