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What is the impact of weather factors What is the impact of outdoor play equipment?

Views: 765     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-09-28      Origin: Site

What is the impact of weather factors What is the impact of outdoor play equipment?

Outdoor children's playground If there is no hood, there is a certain impact on the operation. In the four seasons, the rainy season may occupy a season time, plus the winter weather cold summer weather is also caused many players who are unwilling to come outdoors. Playing, these are the changes in weather factors on outdoor play equipment. In fact, investors are most concerned about the attention of weather changes on profit revenue and cost spending. Then, what should the interference of the natural environment should be made in such a market environment?

This article contains the following

1. Influence of seasonal weather changes on equipment

2. The impact of seasonal weather changes on tourists

3. Effect of seasonal weather changes on the earnings income of playground

Seesaw + rocking horse + swing + slide + swivel chair + transfer horse + children's play equipment LT-QB019

First, the impact of seasonal weather changes on equipment

Seasonal changes The impact of the open-air play equipment is tangible. When the summer is rainy, once the weather has changed the playing equipment, it must stop operation, and professional comprehensive examination will be conducted after the weather. For large orbit play equipment, rotating play equipment, the height space of the pirate play equipment is relatively large, and the possibility of lightning strikes is also relatively large, so we must do lightning protection facilities.

Second, the impact of seasonal weather changes on tourists

The main purpose of tourists to the playground is to relax. If the luck is encountered, this sudden weather change is encountered, and the good feeling of tourists will decrease significantly. Therefore, the real-time broadcast of the weather forecast can also be performed before the opening of the house, and the time to inform the tourists' weather conditions. If you encounter thunderstorms, you must have a good care in advance, and visitors will prohibit playing players.

Seesaw + rocking horse + swing + slide + swivel chair + transfer horse + children's play equipment LT-QB023

Third, seasonal weather changes affect playground earnings income

Outdoor commemorations will definitely encounter the weather that cannot be operated, there is a large part of income, so outdoor play equipment has an disadvantage, which is a risk of a loss to some extent. Investors don't have to worry that they will be supported by relevant policies before normal opening. If the weather factors have caused the playground damage to be insured.

All in all, the impact of weather changes to outdoor children's playgrounds is actually able to avoid partial measures, such as track-based equipment can design convertible, pirate vessels, and water devices, etc. Outdoor play equipment requires the protection of weather changes, but also the loss brought about by later.

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Mr. Xu
   +86 15306887188
  +86 15306887188
  Wenzhou, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City Letu Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

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